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Global STOFS Pacific Region Storm Surge Model Guidance
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About Global STOFS Storm Surge Model Guidance
STOFS (Surge and Tide Operational Forecast System) is a collaboration between the NOAA/NOS/Coast Survey Development Lab and NOAA/NCEP.
STOFS provides a second operational set of forecast guidance in addition to the ET-SURGE (ETSS) model. The community-based ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) model is used for STOFS and the Global Forecast System (GFS) model provides the forcing. The STOFS model is run on NOAA's WCOSS super computing system four times daily out to 180 hours producing numerical storm surge guidance for systems.
Global STOFS provides worldwide coverage. For more details, see the Global STOFS Service Change Notice.
Data Availability
DATA is available in GRIB and NetCDF formats via NOMADS:
NOAA information regarding storm surge terminology (pdf download).
Note on Tropical Cyclone Events
The Storm Surge information shown here should not be used for tropical cyclone events. For official storm surge information associated with tropical cyclones, please consult advisories and warnings issued by the National Hurricane Center.