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Advances in Extratropical Cyclone Understanding and Prediction Since the 1979 Presidents' Day Storm

NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, College Park, Maryland
May 28, 2014

Speakers from teh Presidents' Day Colloquium

Colloquium Presenters
Front row: David Schultz, Fuqing Zhang, Lance Bosart, Louis Uccellini, Richard Grumm, John Gyakum
Back Row: David Novak, Paul Kocin, Joseph Sienkiewicz, Hendrik Tolman, Steven Zubrick
Not pictured: Cliff Mass

Please be patient for the videos to download as they are very large files.

Greeting and opening statements
Video (292 MB)

Paul Kocin, NWS Weather Prediction Center
The Presidents Day Snowstorm, February 19, 1979: An Overview
PPTPDFVideo (399 MB)

Louis Uccellini, Director, National Weather Service
Reflecting on the Presidents Day Storm, 18-19 February 1979
PPTPDFVideo (1.2 GB)
Powerpoint Audio clipPowerpoint Video clip

Lance Bosart, SUNY Albany
Multiscale Interactions during the Winters of 2009-2010 and 2010-2011: A Link to the February 1979 Presidents' Day Storm
PPTPDFVideo (971 MB)

Fuquing Zhang, Penn State University
Devil in the Details: Predictability and Dynamics of Winter Cyclones at the Mesoscales
PPTPDFVideo (881 MB)

John Gyakum, McGill University
Cyclogenesis: Then (1979) and Now (2014)
PPTPDFVideo (766 MB)

Cliff Mass, University of Washington
Extratropical Cyclones of the Western U.S.: Major Advances in Prediction and Understanding
PPTPDFVideo (629 MB)

Steven Zubrick, NWS Baltimore-Washington Weather Forecast Office
WFO Operations: 1979 vs. 2014
PPTPDFVideo (1.2 GB)

David Schultz, University of Manchester
Strong Winds in Extratropical Cyclones
PPTPDFVideo (834 MB)

Richard Grumm, NWS State College Weather Forecast Office
Evolution in identifying High Impact Weather Events since 18-19 February 1979
PPTPDFVideo (854 MB)

Hendrik Tolman, NWS Environmental Modeling Center
Advances in wind wave modeling: Focus on history and technological advances
PPTPDFVideo (737 MB)

David Novak, NWS Weather Prediction Center
Improving Forecaster and User Decisions for Extreme Events
PPTPDFVideo (597 MB)

Joseph Sienkiewicz, NWS Ocean Prediction Center
Extratropical Cyclones perspective from the Ocean Prediction Center
PPTPDFVideo (1.0 GB)